The diameter is about 15.5 mm on average.
Here is jug one, as you can see it is ripped apart good.
The back of jug 2 and front of jug 3 just had a small crack. Here is front of jug 2
I don't think the bullet entered jug 2. I think it stayed in jug 1 and got washed out with the water since the bottom blew out.
The jacket was in at least 3 pieces. Im pretty sure a piece was in the second jug. I didnt keep it so sorry no pictures.
Here is the box. As I said it is afforable, i paid $16.53 for a box of 50. I think shipping was around $10 for 7 boxes (2 of this S&B and 5 magtech FMJ)
I dont have a chronograph, so i have no idea of the velocity out of my Rami. A velocity is not on the box either. I did find some advertising that stated Muzzle Velocity: 1,237 FPS