Author Topic: Perhaps an odd question: it's about shipping weight for ammo.  (Read 1311 times)

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Offline Philintheblanks

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I am still living overseas and will move back to the States in a few months.  Given the ammunition shortages, I've begun to order it and have it shipped to my daughter. I bought 2 cases of .22 a couple of weeks and it seems I am in the doghouse because of the weight of the boxes. So, I anticipate ordering some 9mm and .45ACP before I come home. But I'd sorta like to avoid herniating my family...again. Could you please give me approximate shipping weights for a brick of 9mm and a brick of .45ACP? I have tried to find the weights from several online vendors but have had no luck. Once I have an idea per brick, I can limit my order to something that won't cause anyone pain.  Then I can repeat the order as required. ;)

Thanks in advance!
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Offline tdogg

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Re: Perhaps an odd question: it's about shipping weight for ammo.
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2020, 12:14:00 PM »
Well I have never thought about the finished cartridge weight but I do think about the postal worker when ordering bullets.  They are generally shipped in flat rate boxes and are heavy!

A quick google search resulted in this site:

9mm cartridge= ~0.5 oz
45 cartridge= ~0.75 oz

I'll let you do the math on how much you want to order.  Of course they could just open the box and bring it in one or two boxes at a time?  These are definitely first world problems here.

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Offline 2morechains

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Re: Perhaps an odd question: it's about shipping weight for ammo.
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2020, 01:22:56 PM »
I threw some of my reloads on a scale for you:

100 rnds of 9mm (124 gr FMJ) is 2 lbs 15 oz
100 rnds of .45acp (200 gr SWC) is 4 lbs 8 oz

The plastic ammo boxes I use are 4-5 oz (which is included in the above weights).  The weights above are for loaded ammo. 

Good luck

Offline Here2learn

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Re: Perhaps an odd question: it's about shipping weight for ammo.
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2020, 01:29:24 PM »
Can you contact your seller and explain medical/lifting issues and see if with a phone order, they could package things separately?
Just about every order I have put in this year, has involved multiple calibers and at least 500 rounds of 9mm and the boxes are around 42# when delivered.

Offline eastman

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Re: Perhaps an odd question: it's about shipping weight for ammo.
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2020, 08:13:20 PM »
According to what is printed on the box, a case of 1000 rounds of 9mm (124gr) is 13.03 kg (29#). A case of 500 .45ACP will be about the same.
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Offline glen455

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Re: Perhaps an odd question: it's about shipping weight for ammo.
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2020, 11:39:34 PM »
buy it now while you can the price is only going up and stock for some companies is zero cleaned out.  When the box gets there have them cut open the box bring it in small easy to handle no more hernias.  Prices are only going up. 

Offline Philintheblanks

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Re: Perhaps an odd question: it's about shipping weight for ammo.
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2020, 01:27:40 AM »
Thanks guys! I guess if I give my daughter a heads-up before I order, the weight will be manageable.
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Offline mkd

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Re: Perhaps an odd question: it's about shipping weight for ammo.
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2020, 07:54:28 AM »
       just weighed a box of 100 count Winchester white box 9mm 115 gr. target ammo with my lyman trigger pull scale it weighed 2 lbs 12.5 oz when placed and hung in a quart zip loc storage bag.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2020, 09:08:56 AM by mkd »