Author Topic: 457 Varmint MTR shoulder pad/stock finish  (Read 758 times)

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Offline Hairless Joe

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457 Varmint MTR shoulder pad/stock finish
« on: October 01, 2021, 11:45:18 AM »
I was a bit disappointed in the finish on my 457 Varmint MTR so I'm planning to do a little work on it this winter (after removing the action, of course). My question is about the rubber bumper on the butt-end of the stock-- how to remove it? Is it cemented in place, or a friction fit?

What I have in mind for the wood (which is sanded smooth, although not as smooth most other wooden stocks I've seen) is to go over it with a few grades of fine-grit sandpaper, clean it up with a tack cloth, and then apply colorless tung oil. I'd like a finish more like the stock on my 457 American. Advice/opinions on this strategy are welcome. The rifle sure is a shooter, but the wood is a little unfinished-looking to my eye.