Yesterday in a discussion with two of my brothers, my older brother (
also a gun owner) asserted that when a gun is test-fired by the manufacturer, the ballistic records of the test-fired bullets are then sent to the government to enter into a database.
I had never heard of this claim so I went searching for information on the subject (including on this forum -
overt plug for the great search features here!).
I was not able to find a confirmation of his wide-sweeping claim, but what I did find I will share with you.
NIST Forensic Database Firearms and Toolmarks Table - table of the different databases (and links) and who maintains them:
- Headstamps (what's printed on the base of cartridges)
- Ammunition (detailed dimensions of cartridges and bullets by manufacturer, including history)
- General Rifling Characteristics (enables shortlisting weapons that a bullet may have been fired from)
- National Integrated Ballistic Information Network ("admissions" to the database are from bullets fired/collected in a crime or guns tested for comparison in investigation of a crime)
- Reference Ammunition File (post firing-test dimensional database maintained by the FBI of ammunition submitted for test firing)
Are Guns Registered in a National Firearms Registry (2015) some background on the history from the
Gun Control Act of 1968 to the
Firearm Owners' Protection Act (FOPA) of 1986 and what the government is allowed to keep record-wise. It also lists some states and jurisdictions that require registration and/or reporting (for new residents). It also describes some "Limited Government Gun Databases" that are post-FOPA:
- Multiple Sales Reports
- Suspect Guns
- Traced Guns
- Out of Business Records
- Theft Guns
I strongly doubt his claim as it would mean hundreds of thousands of rounds every year that manufacturers would have to capture, bag, tag with serial number, model number, etc. and then ship to a government agency that would have to digitally scan and enter the information.