Author Topic: 75B, Shadow 2 and Shadow 2 Orange for USPSA/IDPA competition (rare carrying too)  (Read 3643 times)

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Offline Fly-half

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Evening y'all, I would like recommendations from those who are willing to help. I'm looking at a new 75 variant. I want to shoot in production class competition. I have never shot competitively before and I wouldn't expect to win but it would be fun to improve and put a good showing as well hopefully. I would occasionally carry it too I mean I'm not a carrying sort of guy but occasionally when I'm in the mood I will carry it so how it is to carry isn't a priority.

I've decided between the 75B, Shadow 2 and Shadow 2 Orange. I love how the Shadows are good production guns but I would have to save up for both which I'm willing to do.

The 75B I can get at my local gun shop for like 580 and I know they are still good. I'm considering it because sure it doesn't look as good as the Shadows. It doesn't have the improvements like the Shadows but if I'm not gonna win then I can save the money and the 75 is enough for my competitive skill level I presume. I can afford it now and i can get out there. I guess is my logic but what do you think?

TL:DR Which gun should i get out of these 3 for occasional competitive Production use? Thanks

Offline spt_1955

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If you are thinking IDPA (as the title says) then the 75B is the only legal gun of those 3.

Offline ericsl2

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I picked up a 75b and had cajun gun works do their pro package magic on it. I've never felt such a nice trigger. I'm no marksman with a pistol but out of all the handguns ive shot, i do best with it.

Offline dwg176

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Indeed, the Shadows are not IDPA legal. Awesome in USPSA production division though.

I do have a cajunized SP-01 tactical that is idpa legal, great for USPSA, and more reasonable for carry as well. The trigger actually turned out to be pretty close to my Shadow 2's, the main difference being a longer reset. The decocker and firing pin block also add some practicality for carry, and I would not ever carry my Shadow 2 due to the lack of the firing pin block. So if you really want a "do it all" gun, I really reccomend the SP-01 tac. But, a 75B, 75BD, or SP-01 could all fill that role depending on your preferences.