Better luck next time.
Thanks. It was actually a good day. Like I said, my gun ran really well so the issues I was having are cleared up. As my shooting goes, it wasn't great but wasn't terrible.
I am from Southern California and this match was up in Northern California. It was my first time shooting a match where I didn't know anyone in my squad. Also, there is quite a bit of talent at this club and their stages are challenging. Lots more shooting from leans, 25 yard partials and mini poppers, etc. All this lead to nerves getting the better of me. That all said, I accomplished exactly what I intended to shooting this match. And that was to push myself, get outside what's comfortable and to test my game. The mental component is a huge part of this sport and it was definitely a learning experience for me.
I plan on shooting more matches outside my local area. This helped me to identify where I need to train. Definitely a great thing. I also met a group of great guys and had a lot of fun.
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