Author Topic: Both barrels going off  (Read 6014 times)

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Offline walk2slow

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Both barrels going off
« on: January 12, 2020, 09:56:09 PM »
Hello,  I have a CZ Drake in 28 gauge bought it brand new, I have shot it 100 times,  in that time both barrels have gone off with one pull of the trigger , its bang bang not both at the same time, I called CZ after it done it for the 7 time and he said  I might not be holding it tight to my shoulder, and it might be doing like that stock you put on ARs where the recoil is causing it, so I have held it tighter and let a buddy shoot it also, it still does it every now and then, is it me or does the gun have a problem, has anyone else had this problem.  Thanks for any help.

Offline walk2slow

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Re: Both barrels going off
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2020, 08:46:46 PM »
Lot of views but no replys, so talked to CZ today and filled out the warranty form,  they sent me a reply to send my gun back for repair plus a lable for FedX to ship, so far so good,

Offline DeltaGray

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Re: Both barrels going off
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2020, 08:27:52 PM »
Any news or fix done by CZ?  I hope that CZ fixed the problem because two shells going off is not a pleasant thing regardless of gauge.  Is your barrel marked with manufacturer of your CZ. I am not familiar with your model but I tell people to not purchase an over/under brand name that starts with first letter near end of alphabet. First letter is not a "Z" or "X".   Academy stores sell that unnamed brand that I alluded to.  Any firearms problems need to be addressed to the manufacturer where ever they are.  I like the mention of FedEx regarding shipping for a reason.  Brown truck drivers should not drop long firearms on my porch when paperwork from gunsmith requested a signature by me for my own firearms. The boxes were dropped and the driver drove off.   

Offline walk2slow

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Re: Both barrels going off
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2020, 10:01:14 PM »
The Drake is fixed, Talked to CZ, then sent it to them, they email me a couple of times about the gun then they email me and said the gun was on its way back, it was out adjustment on the triggers, have shot 100 rounds no problem, Good customer service and good turn around time.

Offline DeltaGray

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Re: Both barrels going off
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2020, 08:57:34 PM »
Does your Drake have mechanical triggers?  An All American does have mechanical triggers --at least mine does and bottom barrel always fires first.  I prefer to fire bottom barrel first anyway for recreational clay targets (skeet, trap or sporting clays) regardless if shotgun has mechanical triggers.  If applicable, how many screw choke tubes came with your Drake?  This was my third attempt to respond to your Drake being fixed message.  Other attempts were longer since I mentioned choke tube constriction and also barrel bore diameter. 

Offline walk2slow

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Re: Both barrels going off
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2020, 02:22:20 PM »
Sorry it took so long to respond DeltaGray, my gun came with 4 tubes and you can select which barrel  fires first,  So far after getting it back it doing ok, squirrel season not so far off , have to get it out and go after them bushy tails.