Author Topic: Kamala Harris on Guns (Biden’s Pick for Vice President!)  (Read 2764 times)

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Offline gatorb

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Kamala Harris on Guns (Biden’s Pick for Vice President!)
« on: August 14, 2020, 11:12:35 AM »
Before she was beat out by Mr. Biden and was actively pursuing the Democratic nomination, she published on her website,, five key policies measures that she would implement via “executive action” if “Congress fails to send comprehensive gun safety legislation” to the president’s desk within the first 100 days of the new regime.

Mandate near-universal background checks by requiring anyone who sells five or more guns a year to conduct background checks on all gun sales.
Revoke the licenses of gun manufacturers who break the law (including negligence laws and unfair trade practices) and take them to court if need be.
Reverse Trump’s dangerous change to prohibited persons guidelines which has allowed thousands of fugitives with outstanding arrest warrants to buy guns.
Close the “boyfriend loophole” to prevent dating partners convicted of domestic violence from purchasing guns.
Ban AR-15-style assault weapons from being imported into the United States.
As a caveat, she also promised to reinstitute the Clinton-era “assault weapons” ban, prohibit “high capacity magazines” and open up gun dealers and manufacturers to frivolous lawsuits by rescinding the PLCCA.
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Offline motorolanut

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Re: Kamala Harris on Guns (Biden’s Pick for Vice President!)
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2020, 06:48:49 AM »
For the love of god, everyone better pray for the orange man's reelection if you value your CZs. lol
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Offline crosstimbers

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Re: Kamala Harris on Guns (Biden’s Pick for Vice President!)
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2020, 03:27:37 PM »
For the love of god, everyone better pray for the orange man's reelection if you value your CZs. lol

I agree. But have been going forward under the idea that he wont win, and buying things accordingly. It's going to be bad, maybe really bad, if the left wins the White House. Worse if they get an y stronger in Congress.

Investing in burial vaults might be a good business move, though that hiding option doesnt really appeal to me.
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Offline Trblshtr

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Re: Kamala Harris on Guns (Biden’s Pick for Vice President!)
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2020, 04:32:57 PM »
For the love of god, everyone better pray for the orange man's reelection if you value your CZs. lol

I agree. But have been going forward under the idea that he wont win, and buying things accordingly. It's going to be bad, maybe really bad, if the left wins the White House. Worse if they get an y stronger in Congress.

Investing in burial vaults might be a good business move, though that hiding option doesnt really appeal to me.

I'm not so worried about a Democrat being elected President if the Republicans can maintain a majority in the Senate.  Checks n' balances.

I'm also not convinced of President Trump's bona fides regarding the 2nd Amendment.  The way his administration handled the bump stock ban didn't sit well with me.