Author Topic: 12/10/20 - 1 AR15, the P07 9MM and the M&P 2.0 FDE 5" 9MM  (Read 880 times)

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Offline M1A4ME

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12/10/20 - 1 AR15, the P07 9MM and the M&P 2.0 FDE 5" 9MM
« on: December 10, 2020, 04:52:46 PM »
Well, the good news is the AR15 worked fine after spacing that gas block out from the shoulder (been so long I don't remember if I've tried it since I did that, but it worked today.  Got the scope sighted in.  Darn good shooting rifle.  Better than several of my others.  Looks funny, shoots good, so who cares what it looks like.

I did it different, on the pistols, today.  I shot at 25 yds. and used a rest (my shooter's bag under my wrists, pistol and hands sticking forward of the top of the bag.  Lots of shooting going on at the 7 to 15 yard pistol range and I didn't want to spend time waiting to check/put up targets every 20 rounds (some guys shoot a few boxes on the same target, it seems, sometimes).

Shot the M&P first.  Seeing how those 124 grain hollow points with the AA#7 powder would do.  It went bang, bang, nothing.  Slide not quite forward.  I could not pull that sucker back to eject the round (not sure at the time if it was the third round that didn't chamber or the 2nd round that didn't eject.)  I finally got tired of jerking, jamming, pulling, etc. and put the front of the slide below the barrel on a 4X4 post (that holds the roof of the firing line up) and smacked on the back of the frame enough times to finally pop it loose.  My hand hurt the rest of the day and it's still throbbing some. 

Field stripped the pistol, grabbed that round that hung up and it would not drop into the chamber.  No way.  No how.  Plunk tested 10 more from the box and all were fine.  Emptied the magazine (7 rounds) and plunk tested them.  All were fine.  Put that problem round in my pocket, loaded the magazine up with 8 rounds and finished that 10 shot group.  Lousy I thought.  So much for the AA#7 duplicating the Winchester 124 grain NATO FMJ ammo groups.  I'll try BE86 next.

I grabbed the P07 out of the case, loaded 10 rounds in it and shot them at the next target.  Why can't a buy an M&P that shoots like a CZ?  The P07 group was 1/2 the size of the M&P pistol group with ammo intended to make the M&P shoot better.

I had some other ammo to shoot but after fighting the M&P and (probably) bruising my right palm I picked up my brass, grabbed my targets and headed for the range office to sign out and go home.

I did renew my membership for 2021.

Oh, I think I may have to try to order an old P07 DUTY trigger for that P07.  Like the .40 S&W P09 it's biting my trigger finger some.  In just that 10 rounds I noticed it.  The P09 9MM is practically "recoiless" compared to the .40 S&W P09 and 9MM P07.  The .40 P07 recoils more/harder than any of them and that old curved DUTY trigger doesn't bother me in the least.

Edited to add the cleaning stuff.

AR15 - anybody that owns one knows about how dirty they get even from a few rounds.  No surprises there.

P07 9MM - barrel wasn't clean (course not, I shot it) but I had to look at it and spin it to see some stuff.  A few passes with a dry patch and it was clean/shiny.  Wiped the old oil off, wiped the recoil spring between the coils, brushed around the outside with an old tooth brush, lubed it up, put it together and loaded it up before putting it back in the holster.

M&P 9MM - looked down the barrel and wished I'd take a picture of the P07 barrel for comparison.  Without that there was no use trying to take a picture of all the unburned powder in the M&P barrel.  No explanation for that.  Both shot the same loads.  AA#7, S&B small pistol primer, Everglades 124 grain hollow point, same number of rounds through each pistol from the same box of 50 I just loaded.  Took more to get the barrel clean but didn't seem to be any inside the frame or slide (??).  Did a little wiping/brushing and then lubed it up and put it back together.

Now, the P07 9MM barrel is what?  3.7"?  The M&P 2.0 9MM has a 5.5" Apex barrel in it (threaded - again, all they had in stock when I decided to try an Apex barrel to help the M&P approach my P09/P07 pistol accuracy standards).  I know AA#7 is a sort of slow burning powder.  So shouldn't the P07 have had the unburned powder in it vs. the almost 2" longer M&P barrel?
« Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 05:59:18 PM by M1A4ME »
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?