I am thinking of building a new home just outside the city and was just made aware of a County ordinance that limits the amount of smokeless powder and primers I can keep in my home. Smokeless powder is limited to 20 lb. unless I have a magazine then it's 50 lb. and primers are limited to 10,000. The powder limit I can live with because at one time I had a 06 FFL and still have my powder magazine but I can go through 10,000 primers in a week am I the only one that thinks this is wrong ? Could this be a problem if I ever had a fire loss ? What do you guys think is this one of those don't ask don't tell kind of things that I shouldn't ask my insurance company about ?
Im sure there is a reason they are following the guidelines as stated and insurance may have to do with it too.
As someone mentioned, they have a separate out building where they do the reloading. You may want to consider that or ask them about that if that can help.
Also, you may want to think outside of the box...
> Ask/consider talking to them and see if they are the B&W type and no gray or no compromise.
> Ask/consider doing a separate out building if this will help. Then depending on how they see the separate buildings you maybe able to have 10K in each structure. Will 10K in each building do for you or do you need more? I would have my ducks in a row as much as possible before i went there. I would have an idea on how much i NEED/WANT so i could give them an answer.
> Ask/consdier if you do some fire upgrades to your man cave/reloading room. For example, maybe add some additional fire proofing/rating and or sprinkler system/alarm system...ect. See what they say. If its like anything, they maybe just doing it because joe blow did it and have no idea on the why. If its based off the NFC or You may have to deal with your insurance company on this and maybe they may increase your rate(s). But you wont know until to cover all of the bases.
> Readup on the NFPA 495 and see what it says. see if you can contact someone on the board/committee and ask about the 10K limit. chances are, the number is just something pulled out of someones rectum and no rhyme or reason. But its there and for competitive shooters, its not realistic.
> if you want to play their game in a way, dont just look at "components", but look at the ammo too. How much ammo you can store - according to them - and then how much primmed brass. Does primmed brass count as "primers" or "ammo" or
?? But if they say its not "ammo" or "primers", i would get someone to state so and a date/time/signature. If its "ammo" then you know what you can do. If its "primers" then you wont have any out. You may have to get your (state?) fire Marshall in on this and get their take too.
> do you have (shooting) friends? Will they store 10K+ for you?
> but i would be asking questions to your local officials not now asking on here. AFAIK, no one is vetted.
good luck