Well David got back to me and confirmed that was the intent of the TS hammer kit. To eliminate the vague feeling of the stock TS trigger. I pulled the trigger on two TS hammer kits and installed them tonight on both my TSO's.
I have tried to make my two TSO's triggers feel the same by tuning them but they both had slightly different feel upon break. One had a reasonable wall and was slightly heavier. The other was more vague and was lighter.
I meant to measure the trigger pulls before and after for both TSO's but I neglected to take the baseline on the second TSO before tearing it apart. It was my lighter and more vague feeling trigger. Regardless here are the numbers I do have.
TSO1, Before: 2lb 8.5oz, After: 2lb 13oz
TSO2, Before: -- oops, After: 2lb 11oz
The trigger pull weight increase comes in the form of a more pronounced wall. It isn't that much heavier, but the break point is more defined and the trigger is more crisp. Which I didn't think could happen, the stock CZ competition hammer is really a vast improvement over standard CZ hammer. The CGW hammer has a better wall and the break is cleaner.
I replaced the sear spring (with a new CZ springs) in both and I'm running a 26lb hammer spring in both. The feel is much more similar between both guns now. Both have a defined break point and their weights are much more similar. It will be easier to swap between guns now and that is a good thing. I try to run them about the same to keep their round counts similar to keep maintenance tasks together.
All in all, the preliminary results are positive with the CGW TS Hammer kit. I have a match Saturday and will test it further. I can't say that I really liked the look but after handling the hammer the edges aren't as sharp as they look in images. The hammer cocks easy as it has more protruding back to get your thumb on it. The finish is nice, it looks like a nitride finish and matches the slide.