Here is a reference picture for what
cntrydawwwg noted above. You can access the Trigger Bar Spring by removing the grips. As stated, each side of the Trigger Bar Spring should be riding in the grooves located on bottem of each side of the Trigger Bar. If needed you can reposition the hooked ends of the TBS by lightly bending them.
A note on grip removal for the CZ RAMI. Unlike most all CZ 75 variants, the CZ RAMI uses threaded bushings that are screwed into the frame to hold the grips on. These bushings can rotate when the grips are removed and impede reinstalling the grips. Closely inspecting the bushings rotational position and how they interface with the underside of the grips should shed more light on the subject.
From what i have seen on the subject of odd clicks in the action, it is possible for the Trigger Bar or Disconector to shift while the Trigger is pulled in some cases which can generate an added clicking noise. Generally these clicks are not a significant issue, but they do bother people in some cases and can generally be eliminated.
In this picture the Trigger Bar Spring end is riding outside the groove, you want it in the groove.
Note: This is not a RAMI pictured but the system is the same.