I picked up a nice used P09 yesterday. It's in OD green, a 2018 model, case, 2 19rd mags and paperwork. Included in the paperwork is the original order for the gun from Davidson's to a local shop. It says the gun came with tritium night sights. Now, it has a blacked out rear and a fiber optic front sight. Why would someone switch out tritiums for them? Also, does Davidson's guarantee stick with the gun, or just the original buyer?
One other thing, there were some Cajun gun prts bags in the case. One for an extended firing pin. The other for firing pin springs. I'm going to have to take this to someone smarter then me(which is everyone) check this and see what's been changed.
Anyway, it's a beautiful gun and feels great in the hand. I can't wait to get it to the range.