Wall thickness should
not matter. First of all the wall is a varying thickness and you didn't show us where you measured. Secondly, the
Sizing die works on the
outside of the cartridge case to make all cases a uniform outside diameter. It's the outside of the cartridge that interfaces with the chamber.
Then the belling process expands it again to assist the bullet seating. This is later closed back with the
Taper Crimp die.
Chasing An Issue• First and foremost we only believe what the barrel's chamber tells us about the ammo. A case gauge is simply an
assistant to the barrel when it comes to measuring cartridges. A gauge is only a 'quickie test' for expediency. The
real question is... what does the barrel say ?

• Of course the case mouth expands due to bullet insertion. If your bullets are all 0.355", then things should be good as long as the
Taper Crimp action closes the case mouth back up completely. What is the case OD right at the first 0.03" of case mouth ?

The case has already been completely Sized. The only thing that has really changed is the case mouth diameter due to Belling, but that change should have been totally corrected by Taper Crimp.
Going by the SAAMI spec.... if you're not seeing diameters if
0.372" to 0.373" AFTER Taper Crimp, then your crimp die is set incorrectly. This is regardless of whether you use a separate Taper Crimp die,
or add your Taper Crimp in the Seating process. The crimping process is there somewhere.
Chasing this last adjustment is why most reloaders prefer to Taper Crimp using a separate die. That is not always possible or affordable. I understand. But the action is there somewhere and making that adjustment is
always tedious. Lee instructions advise you to use 1/2 die turns; I would advise you to use 1/10 die turns. And then when you find the correct setting, lock it in place with a Hornady lock ring like this...

Such a sophisticated lock ring is the only way to insure that your fine adjustments are conserved and maintained, should the die ever be removed from the press or the 'tool head' (aka 'turret').
(Edited to include the SAAMI cartridge specs for 380Auto.)