Author Topic: Surplus CZ  (Read 1840 times)

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Offline BStill

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Surplus CZ
« on: September 05, 2021, 03:20:01 PM »
Found out yesterday that Gander is discontinuing its Firearms, Hunting and Fishing departments, presumably to complete its transformation into an RV/camping store. 

All firearms are 25% off.

My local store has a used cabinet full of surplus CZ75 variants.  I haven't handled any, but all look pretty beat up by the finishes.

The one that has my interest is a CZ75 D Compact.  I've never had a gun re-finished.  If I were to pick it up "cheap" (hopefully $350 or less) as a project gun, about how much would I expect to spend on a cerakote job to make it my own?


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Re: Surplus CZ
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2021, 06:57:20 PM »
Your best bet will be to call CGW or CZ Custom or possibly a refinisher in your area if there is one and try and get a general idea. The present condition of what ever gun you pick will have a direct bearing on the cost of refinishing. Applying a finish to a firearm such as you're talking about is much like painting a car in that it's all about surface prep. If there are heavy nicks, deep scratches, or rust that won't easily polish out or can't be polished out the finish will reflect that. The more work involved in providing a smooth defect free surface the more the cost.
You also should factor in what ever mechanical issues the gun may have.
If you simply must have a surplus gun to rebuild and cost of the final piece is not an issue that's one thing but you can easily find yourself north of a grand in short order when you factor in refinishing, mechanical overhaul and adding sights that fit your preference.

Offline BStill

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Re: Surplus CZ
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2021, 01:09:46 AM »
Your best bet will be to call CGW or CZ Custom or possibly a refinisher in your area if there is one and try and get a general idea. The present condition of what ever gun you pick will have a direct bearing on the cost of refinishing. Applying a finish to a firearm such as you're talking about is much like painting a car in that it's all about surface prep. If there are heavy nicks, deep scratches, or rust that won't easily polish out or can't be polished out the finish will reflect that. The more work involved in providing a smooth defect free surface the more the cost.
You also should factor in what ever mechanical issues the gun may have.
If you simply must have a surplus gun to rebuild and cost of the final piece is not an issue that's one thing but you can easily find yourself north of a grand in short order when you factor in refinishing, mechanical overhaul and adding sights that fit your preference.
Thank you.  Next time I'll take a harder look at it and see if I can get them under $300.... and maybe just leave it as-is as a range toy.

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Offline tercel1989

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Re: Surplus CZ
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2021, 08:01:19 PM »
I'd leave it as is . The natural wear adds character and will probably sell better than a cerokote job if you ever try to sell it in the future.


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Re: Surplus CZ
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2021, 05:24:14 AM »
I'd leave it as is . The natural wear adds character and will probably sell better than a cerokote job if you ever try to sell it in the future.
If it was an original short rail 75 then yeah you don't want to mess with refinishing that just like it's best to leave a vintage firearm in original condition but a surplus 75D compact is never going to reach snake gun status. That gun would bring more money with a nice refinish job and whatever parts it may need.

Online briang2ad

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Re: Surplus CZ
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2021, 09:21:04 AM »
Unless you have a great trusted smith and cerakote certified applier in your area, figure on $100 minimum for shipping costs on top of everything else.  Most folks don't think about this.