Author Topic: ZKM 452 Stock Style Change  (Read 1717 times)

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ZKM 452 Stock Style Change
« on: October 08, 2002, 07:15:29 PM »
Here's a bit of trivia;

The ZKM 452 Lux did not alway have the Bavarian style stock.  My 1972 vintage 452 Lux stock is the same as the latest version from the trigger forward but it has a straight comb.  It still looks very European, which I happen to like.

Both my 1984 CZ 511 semi auto and my buddies later 452 Lux have the Bavarian style stock which I both like the appearance and the way they fit me as well.

When it comes down to it, I like both styles.

The fact that my old 452 is a bit different from the new ones might be a good excuse to buy a new one to go along with the old one.  That way I'd have one of each :)

Offline pbhome71

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ZKM 452 Stock Style Change
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2002, 10:45:27 AM »
I agree.  The model designation and the stock style seems to confuse me a whole lot.

As I posted in another thread, I have one for 3 days now, and for a longest time - :)  - I'm not sure which model I have.

The price is good - U.S. $189.00, the stock looks like it is walnut - dark color - but it isn't, I think.  It also have checkering on the grip, which made I think it is a LUX.  Low and behold, I got wise up and look at the box - RTFB - what a concept. :)   It said "452 Special" - which, I think, is the same as the "452 Trainner" in Europe.

It is very confusing.... for me.


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ZKM 452 Stock Style Change
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2002, 05:56:02 PM »

Yes, the terms do get confusing.  I have heard of the "Special" but have not encountered it.  Consequently I can't help in identifying it.

I see in the Czech web site that the beachwood stock version is called a "Standard" as it was in the Czech hard bound catalogue I have that dates from the early 1970's.  

I believe there have been so many varients of this excellent design produced for markets world wide that it would be very difficult to "catalogue" them all.  My old Czech book says the 452 first came out in 1954 so there's been a lot of time to perfect it and produce many subtle varients.

Call it what you will :) , if it works as well and is as accurate as my CZ's and all the others I have seen, that works for me.