« Reply #30 on: November 16, 2021, 08:30:18 PM »
P-09 purchased.
I bet you will be very happy with it. Here are some videos I put together a few years ago on disassembly/assembly.
If you ever want to modify it, try the CGW (Cajun Gun Works) parts kit. The pistol is very simple and easy to assemble and disassemble, once you have a little experience.
The mechanical tolerances for the barrel to slide lock up are excellent on all the CZ Polymer guns, but are simply outstanding on the P-09 model. I've shot my best 200 yard groups with one of the earliest production P-09 models, and have since bought a second P-09 and a P-07. Best polymer hammer-fired service pistol available, in my opinion. Mechanically, the P-09 is equal to any of my match grade steel guns costing 2-4 times as much, and is very comfortable to shoot. Yes, a heavier all steel gun like a 97B"E" is better for bullseye in a wind, but that's it.
Thank you, Joe for sharing this link and putting together the videos. They're very helpful!

Shadow 2, P-09, P-10 F, P-07, P-10 C