I was in the market for a CZ 75 B SA. After owning a couple of DA/SAs and a decocker, I wanted to stick with single action CZs because of the similar manual of arms to my 1911s. Also the larger upswept beaver tail makes them very comfortable for me to shoot. The beaver tail on regular CZs and even on the PCR decocker were really digging into the web of my hand. What can I say? I have delicate skin.
I was also looking at the SP-01 since CZ 75 B SAs are relatively scarce and because it also has the upswept beaver tail. I figured I could convert it to SAO if I couldn't find a CZ 75 B SA. I considered the alloy framed P-01, but the manual safety version looks like it has the same beaver tail as a PCR. The P-01 decocker looks like it has the upswept beaver tail, but I didn't want a decocker since I'm thinking about converting a DA/SA to SAO.
I then found this steel framed P-01 DA/SA in a local pawn shop and noticed from the pictures that it had an upswept beaver tail. They weren't asking pre-pandemic prices, but at least it was below the current asking prices and they gave me a discount for paying cash. But the thing that really sealed the deal was the red grips! I'm going to have to learn to shoot gansta style now.
The trigger is decent 9.5# DA and 5# SA, so I'm rethinking the converting it to SAO. I'm probably going to try it anyway since I already have the parts I need. But the red grips have already gone in the parts box. They shop also included the original rubber grips which I prefer anyways.
Sometimes, even a blind squirrel finds a nut,