I know manufacturers cut costs with the lame arse finishes they put on guns nowadays, but it drives me crazy.
FWIW, I am a curmudgeon.

The filthy rough black powder finishes that are used on, well everything even stainless is ridiculous.

I do a bit of polishing on my guns and the black finishes of today make such a mess, just getting it off of the frame and/or slide rails is tedious. The fine powder that is created by smoothing the rails necessitates a complete strip and cleaning, since it gets everywhere. Like sand in my man thong on the beach.
It is even on internals and has to be removed to smooth them. Being as it is usually rough, it worsens the function of any friction point it is on.
I guess the days of bluing internals is gone, since it is cheaper to use something that reminds me of Krylon primer coat for painting cars, instead of doing a quality job.

I have no beef with Cerakote, just not a big fan. At least it doesn't have to be sanded off of rails to smooth the gun up, since it is slicky slick to begin with.

I guess I will have to stick with old guns and stainless steel guns that were finished without using Krylon primer.
I live in Arizona, so removing the finish does not create a rust issue, we have banned rust from Southern Arizona, honest, state law.

FWIW, the gun I just cleaned up and has stoked my ire is a Sar B6c, with a purdy purple poly frame.
The slide, barrel and internals were Kryloned. Great lil gun otherwise.
Ok, back to my gun polishing.