Author Topic: P-07 CGW upgrade - thoughts on EDC  (Read 5248 times)

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Re: P-07 CGW upgrade - thoughts on EDC
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2022, 10:58:01 AM »
Just installed the P series spring upgrade and short trigger reset in my P-07. Have not been out to the range yet, but it doesn't feel as substantial as the stock set up. Maybe it will grow on me?

Especially different is the lighter trigger, and the trigger almost seems to contact the frame when it breaks. (Of course I don't have a gauge...  :P)

I'm not sure I like this for an EDC... Might move it over to my P-09 and go back to the original configuration on the P-07.
In my P ā€“ 07 and Pā€“ 09 I did the suggested polishing change the springs and all of that happy stuff. the trigger pull was reduced from 6.8 lb DA factory,  to 4.2 lb. Was the trigger pull reduced? Yes. Was it smoother ? yes.
And actually it all comes down to perception. sometimes a trigger made smoother can appear to be lighter in lb's. When in all actuality the pounds are the same. then a gritty trigger which is actually lighter in pounds may appear to be heavier.
A couple of years ago I purchased a third-generation Smith & Wesson 45.
The first time I pulled the trigger I thought oh my gosh this is so smooth and thought it was the same trigger pull weight as my CZ. Ummmmm, NO !
It was actually 2.5 lb heavier trigger pull. 😳 perception can be deceiving.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2022, 11:04:29 AM by DOC 1500 »
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Re: P-07 CGW upgrade - thoughts on EDC
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2022, 01:36:13 PM »
Finally had a chance to shoot (20 degrees and windy, but it was sunny!).

Wonderful change in the P-07! DA down to 7 3/4# and SA to 2 3/4#. And smooth.

As accurate as ever. This is no doubt my EDC from here on out.

Also did the package on my PCR, and it's very nice too, but just not quite as accurate in my hands.

I'll work over my other P-07 and P-09 as well, but just so far as changing out springs and polishing internals.

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Re: P-07 CGW upgrade - thoughts on EDC
« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2022, 03:28:42 PM »
I might be a little concerned with a SA pull of under 3 1/2 to 4 lbs on a defensive pistol.  Might go back and reinstall the original sears spring.  Last thing you will want is after using it to be accused of having a "hair trigger". 

Your decision, wish you the best.

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Re: P-07 CGW upgrade - thoughts on EDC
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2022, 11:55:40 AM »
I might be a little concerned with a SA pull of under 3 1/2 to 4 lbs on a defensive pistol.  Might go back and reinstall the original sears spring.  Last thing you will want is after using it to be accused of having a "hair trigger". 

Your decision, wish you the best.


Unfortunately you are probably right re SA trigger pull for a defensive firearm. I did not install a lighter sear spring, but just ordered CGW Omega series sear springs to see about tuning the SA.

I just did the spring kit and polishing on my P-09, and got a SA around 3# as well, so it seems like one might just stick with polishing and adjusting the trigger bar spring for an EDC gun. Doesn't take much to drop the SA under 4#...

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Re: P-07 CGW upgrade - thoughts on EDC
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2022, 12:28:55 PM »
To offer a different opinion - as long as the initial DA pull is reasonably heavy (and I think 7-8 lbs is plenty), then I think it's fine if the subsequent SA pull is in the 3-4lb range. That's really no different than the SA weight on a typical 1911. But that's just me - we all need to make our own decisions on what we are comfortable with.

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Re: P-07 CGW upgrade - thoughts on EDC
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2022, 11:25:04 AM »
Put the original trigger spring back, as well as a heavier sear spring, and now the pull is 8 1/4# DA and 4# SA.

Much smoother than stock, and the pre-travel on DA is much reduced.

The weight of the SA isn't that much lighter than factory, maybe 1/4#.

I'm getting better at disassembly/assembly of the P series, although I'm still learning.  :o
« Last Edit: January 21, 2022, 11:42:32 AM by noway »

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Re: P-07 CGW upgrade - thoughts on EDC
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2022, 12:48:52 PM »
Worked up my other P-07 with Mcarbo spring kit. DA a little over 8# and SA just under 3#. Could use short reset disconnector, I think, and probably a heavier sear spring. Or at least re-install the factory SS.

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Re: P-07 CGW upgrade - thoughts on EDC
« Reply #22 on: January 30, 2022, 12:32:47 PM »
Have you guys all done the suggested polishing ??
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Re: P-07 CGW upgrade - thoughts on EDC
« Reply #23 on: January 30, 2022, 08:21:28 PM »
I polished the back side of my trigger bar, my hammer / sear / trigger pins, my hammer strut, and probably something else I forgot.  I didn't have the problem of the hammer tilting and rubbing against the frame, so I didn't need to polish the inside of the frame or the rear insert as some people have done.  For me, I would say the two single biggest improvements in my DA pull came from going to the 15# hammer spring and the CGW DA roller.  I also find that having everything properly cleaned and lubed makes a big difference.  After cleaning all the grit and crud out of my frame I spray it out with Hornady Oneshot cleaner and dry lube and it slicks everything up nicely, while not later migrating out and oozing all over my clothing.  I also popped the side plate on my S&W J-frame and sprayed it out as well.  I don't currently own a trigger scale but according to my son who likes to shoot that revolver quite a bit, it made a big difference in the DA pull.

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Re: P-07 CGW upgrade - thoughts on EDC
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2022, 02:00:53 PM »
My PCR (other thread) and P-07 triggers ended up too light for EDC. 2.5# SA for the former, and 3.5# SA for the latter. Rather than pull the internals, I would assume the quickest way to get the SA up in both is to put the original hammer and FP springs back in.

After returning the OEM hammer, FP and FPPS springs to the PCR, no change, still about 2.5 - 2.75# SA.

Haven't tried the P-07 yet.

Anyway, I got to pull them apart (again) and learn something, so not totally wasted time...
« Last Edit: March 06, 2022, 08:28:08 PM by noway »