Great thread - I've got a Cajunized P-01 Omega for carry, and only the sights need improvement.
I dislike any 3-dot arrangement. I'd much rather have a blacked-out rear.
Two dot (like Night Fision Accur8 (not for P-01). CZ Custom sells a 2-dot system by trijicon that looks good.
I have mixed feelings about tritium - if it's that dark, I'll need an illuminated target - at which point I should be able to see light around the post - unless of course you have a big fat tritium front. A narrow tritium might work - but too wide. Dawson & CZ Custom (via Trijicon) seem to have narrow ones.
I like the looks of the Cajun EDZ rear (black) - but pix in threads here show it overhangs the hammer pretty far, and some claim it's too sharp for carry (draws blood). So MAYBE the Dawson carry black-out rear and a fiber front.
Can anyone else comments on black-out & fiber or tritium fronts rears for carry ?
Anyone have experience with a two-dot scheme or the narrow tritiums ?