Author Topic: SB tactical folding brace slop at mounting point (not where the folder locks)  (Read 690 times)

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Offline bsevans5

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Hello. I used the search function and didn't find the answer. Sorry if I missed it. There are a lot of posts about the play in a sb folding brace where it locks in place, but I'm referring to play where the mount slides down on the scorpion. I hope that makes sense. When I slide the mount onto the back of my evo3 and then deploy the brace. If I wiggle it up and down, there is play where it mounts to the gun. Its not an even gap, so I'm not sure how to shim it.

I can notice it just in dry manipulation of the firearm, so I'm guessing when recoil is introduced it will be much more noticeable. I did a google search and maybe I'm using the wrong search terms, but can't find any help on this. SB said if it was an issue with the folding mechanism they could help, but since they have manufactured it per cz specs and it isn't sitting flush on the gun, it is a cz issue.