Sorry- I haven't been back to this board in a while.
Skookum- I wanted the tactical because of my short fingers. The trigger reach is just too far for me with the standard DA/SA Safety model, and the side safety also wasn't something I could use.
I have a PCR, which has controls like the tactical. With the CGW short reach trigger [85?] and other parts, I can operate the PCR from the decocked position with no issues, and the decocker is easily accessible for my fingers.
Until I added the very wide safety lever and this even more reduced reach SAO trigger, the safety-model was just not confidence inspiring in my use of the controls.
With the new changes, I am good with it, but the safety still doesn't feel as good as I would like: all of my other centerfire SA safety levers feel better to me, but it is now acceptable.
For a carry item, I'd prefer the tactical. For range/competition, the SAO setup is good.
As for comparison between this and my BHP, I haven't had both at the range to test them yet.
Heck, I just fired the SAO SP01 for the first time this past Friday. It operated just fine. It was a function test at the range- only two mags, and seeing what I could do on the rifle range at the iron target at 165 yards.
I need to do a head to head of the SP01 to the BHP, as well as to my other full-sized 9mm handguns [beretta, sig, star, 1911, taurus].
Shutz85c- thank you!
newageroman- thank you. The safety does rock on with a push straight forward on the rear edge. no need to 'lift' it like on the 1911 design. Better for my thumb's control of the safety too!
I'll keep my eyes open for an S2 mag catch. that could be a good addition!
I have actually gone away from the rubber grips. I am now running some thin g10-type grips. This is the type/texture/color I have installed: thank you. And good to know!
ad5md- the wide safety didn't require fitting, in the sense of filing/stoning parts for the right fit. However, it required a lot of fidgeting with it. The part # from cz customs for MY pistol was: SKU 10225.
Be sure you know what you are doing when you order. They have one for other pistols also- but this is the one for mine.
Thanks for all the feedback everyone!