In a striker gun, "light primer strikes" are a product of 3 things...
- Design of firing pin (length, weight, material)
- The firing pin spring
- The hardness (thickness) of the metal primer cup
• These items work in combination with each other, and not in a vacuum. You can't go "Light" on the pin/spring combo and then expect to use just any ammo. This can be problematic during ammo shortages when your "regular" brand of ammo maybe unavailable for long periods.
• The need for modified or light weight firing pins generally come from competition guns. But remember, the majority of shooting sports competitors load their own ammo and are therefore free to choose the exact primer cup thickness their gun requires.
• The thinnest US-made primer cups are known to be Federal. The thickest US-made primer cups are known to be CCI.
Bottom line is that you'll need to experiment with your firing pin/spring combination each time you change your ammunition.