Author Topic: Pearl Harbor Day Discount !  (Read 954 times)

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Pearl Harbor Day Discount !
« on: December 07, 2022, 07:13:01 PM »
From RMR email...

Back in the 1940's our biggest threat to America was a global war.  December 7th 1941 was the day that war brought itself to our land and our people.  Americans proudly and bravely joined that fight and brought it to a successful end.  Personally, I hope to never let that pride and that fighting spirit be forgotten.  That said, I am starting to believe that the biggest threat America faces today is forgetting what got us here.  I don't believe for a second that there is an army in the world that can defeat us on the battlefield.  But we face a fight for our identity as a nation and we face losing it when we let the memory of those who fought and those who died fade and be forgotten.  I'm old enough to remember stories told to me by that greatest generation, but my kids and today's youth won't have any first hand accounts to listen to.  They will only see documentaries or movies but I still remember the facial expressions and the body language of men who fought and lost friends or brothers in that war.  As I get older, I find myself lamenting the fact that my kids will never get to meet a WWII vet.  They won't get to talk to people that lived through rationing or driving cars until the tires gave out and then walking everywhere because there were no tires to be bought.  I remember stories about victory gardens and gold stars in windows.  To see the people who lived through that tell the stories is an experience that I will forever hold dear and though I can't pass on that same spirit and that same feeling, I can leave this little message and a coupon code that will hopefully help you to take the time to think of those we lost this day so many years ago.  Take a few minutes and watch some documentaries.  TUBI is a great free app you can download to watch WWII stuff.  If nothing else, just take a minute or two to thank the universe that people like that existed. 

Use coupon code NEVERFORGET to get 7% off today December 7th through tomorrow December 8th.
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