I bought and am using these bullets & love them. I have used them in a few 38SPL+P but the majority is for 357 Mag loadings. I do use H110 because I want magnum loads and the feel of mag loadings, yea that's just me. I have shot many out of my S&W Highway Patrolman Mod 28 and they are perfect & drop out of the pistol unassisted. I have shot the majority out of my Henry 357 and they are both super accurate and function perfectly. While Wobbly is correct it's like anything with reloading, watch your process, & then double-check your whole process again. I won't post my loads as I needed to work them up myself cuz that is all I had was the Speer book with 146Grn loads listed so do the work, be careful, and have a blast. Also, while my loads are stout, there are no signs of anything out of the ordinary, primers are perfect, etc