I've installed a couple of CGWs kits in my CZs and wound up with about a 3-3.5 lb SA pull - a little light for EDC in my case. I've tried a couple of ways to increase SA trigger pull.
1. I replaced the 13 lb hammer spring with a heavier 15 & 16 lb spring. That increased the DA weight but had negligible affect on SA.
2. Tok 36 suggested using CZC's heavy trigger return spring. That increased the SA pull but raised it to 5-6 lbs, too much for my tastes.
3. Earl Kreese suggested bending the TRS legs. This worked best for me. I put a small metal rod through the spring hole to keep the spring from deforming and used needle nose pliers to adjust the angle between the legs. Twisting the shorter lower leg clockwise around the rod decreased the angle between the legs and increased the trigger pull weight (bottom red example) since the bottom leg is now pushing harder against the trigger. You might even have to bend the shorter leg up above the longer one like the top spring to get the SA pull you want. You may have to tweak it a few times but I don't think you have to worry about weakening or snapping off a leg since you're only really tightening or loosening the spring coil. Ignore the middle spring - it's just for reference.
I don't think it really matters whether you use the factory or CGW spring. I can't remember which spring I used, but I was happy with the results. I got a 4 - 4.5 lb SA pull without really affecting my DA pull weight.
Hope this helps,