• Coated will always have less leading and smoke than lubed-lead.
- Plated and Jacketed will always have zero leading and much lower exposure to lead fumes.
- When you get proficient with your reloading, and start shooting on a regular basis, you may find that (like many of us, that) while Lead bullets are somewhat cheaper, they are simply not worth all the trouble. I predict at some point you'll buy 3000 JHP and pronounce yourself "done with lead".
• Definitely do not use the Lee Factory Crimp Die ("FCD") with lead bullets.
• I would stop playing with bullet shapes. I know you're
- The SWC are merely to punch a clean hole in NRA targets, but they do not go up the feed ramp smoothly and your OAL may need to go through several gyrations before you find an OAL that feeds reliably in your pistol. And that OAL may only work in that one pistol. Save the SWC for the revolver.
- RN or FMJ are always going to feed easier and better in an auto pistol.
- Conical JHP (like Precision Delta JHP) and the round-end JHP (like Rocky Mountain Reloading JHP) are where you want to end up. Both are sold in bulk.
• Definitely drop the TightGroup. It's really too fast for 9mm. Instead look for some Alliant Sport Pistol or Winchester 231, which is also sold as Hodgdon HP-38. If you want to get really fancy, maybe even some VihtaVuouri N320 or N330. All of these are much more forgiving, run cooler, and have better 'case fill' than the TG.
Hope this helps.