Good question - simple answer- my introduction to the CZ pistol world was thru horsetrading with a friend: progressed thru interest, offers, counter offers, buying agreement, second guessing, reversal, and then recognizing the other had something we both might be able to put to better use.
I see from your posting activities that you know your way around this pistol and would appreciate your input on another issue I've posted about and have yet to resolve.
My pistol had a outward bow in the polymer frame below the ejection port and had increased the frame to front insert gap that seems to be commonplace with this pistol. The short slide stop spring leg was only partially seated in the frame causing the bow. I made a quick fix by reseating the leg in the frame and pushing the frame back into shape as best I could. I then realized the leg was still binding in the the cylinder it sits in and would probably back out as the slide stop was taken out and put back into place and the action's cycling back and forth could be amplifying the situation. I pried the spring out of the frame and launched it somewhere in my shop. I adjusted the new spring to fit in the the insert channel and the frame bushing and installed it by positioning the long leg under the front cross pin (took an notched screwdriver and 4 hands) as the last step to get a best practical fit. I also beveled the leading edge of the slide stop pin so it slides under the spring with thumb pressure and touched the corner the spring crawls over when the pin is pulled out. Lastly, my ejection distance was greater than I was comfortable with and I tried unsuccessfully to source a new 40 caliber recoil spring and am using a flat wire glock recoil spring and have trimmed it to produce a shorter ejection throw and maybe lessen impact loadings thru the slide stop pin. I've now got the frame pretty much back into it's original shape and can only hope i've fixed the problem.
I've got a newer style front insert assembly the eliminates the L shaped leg and holding it in reserve.
I know that MI4ME has an identical pistol to mine that he's used successfully with hotter ammunition and extreme ejection distance and hasn't had this problem.
Any thought on this issue and what I should consider? Thks, Larry