Author Topic: SP01 Kadet. Noob questions and answers  (Read 3506 times)

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Offline t. weller

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SP01 Kadet. Noob questions and answers
« on: March 17, 2023, 12:06:38 PM »
I am a fool for not buying a kadet 2 kit 10 years ago when i should have. About every 2 years id pull them up on the interwebs and decide that it was too much money and my ruger mk3 is more than enough for my needs. But, I finally pulled the trigger on one of the new SP01 kadet kits. After alot of internet reading I thought for sure the cheap alloy slide would just blow up right in my face, and id deserve it, for procrastinating for so long.  But to my surprise last night I ran 100 rounds of cheap remington range shells through it without a single malfunction. Which really surprised me after reading alot of forum talk, i figured my sp01 single action only shadow might have some issues because of the super light trigger, but i couldn't have been happier with my range visit. That being said, if anyone had a kadet 2 kit they are looking to get rid of for a fair price, feel free to message me. I don't think you can have too many. Also, if anyone is on the fence like me about the SP01 kadet, just do it! I can't attest to long term testing, but it ran great and was plenty accurate for me.

Anywho, its pretty early in my journey but since it shot so well Im ready to set this thing up. I ordered a threaded barrel from CZ Customs, and im looking to add a fiber optic front sight to match my shadow.

1. Does anyone know what front sight I should use? A lot of the info on here pertains to the kadet 1 and kadet 2 kits, but im not sure if its the same front sight setup.

2. Does anyone know the dovetail cut? I know the old kadet kits used a shadow cut, but not sure about the SP01 kit.

3. I saw in another post that Stuart (All hail) didn't suggest putting a red dot on the kadet, saying the added weight would effect reliability, might be asking too much from a little .22. My question is has anyone tried milling some lightening cuts to a kadet slide? Is that a terrible idea? Could you even take enough alloy out of the front to compensate for the steel dovetail mount and redot? Should I just start making peace with the irons on this thing?

Ive had my sp01 shadow for about 12 years now, and this kadet kit has reignited my love for the old girl. Ill be shooting this thing more than ever, as im mostly a .22 shooter. But I'd love to get a red dot on there without it causing a bunch of issues, but if thats too much to ask, then hey thats okay. Ill call it at the fiber optic front.

Thanks in advance for any suggests or input. This site is amazing and im not sure what id do without it. Safe and happy shooting CZ gang!!!

« Last Edit: March 27, 2023, 05:50:37 PM by t. weller »
SP01 Shadow
SP01 Kadet

Offline t. weller

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Re: New SP01 Kadet Owner. Sweet!! And noob questions
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2023, 03:13:46 PM »
Some friends and I put 300 rounds of various ammo through it yesterday. 1 failure to eject and 1 stovepipe. I’m pretty happy with that, heck it is cheap .22 ammo.

Threaded barrel came today, ordered Thursday night and had it Saturday morning, sweet.

Ran 100 rounds through it, 60 high velocity cheap stuff. Ran great, not even too loud.
20 rounds of Remington “subsonic” some of those rounds were cracking like high velocity.

20 rounds of my favorite sub ammo, rws. My friend recommended to me, got gunbroker but can’t find it anymore. Very quiet and reliable.

Ran perfect supressed, but I will say I feel like it throws a lot more gas/debris in the face compared to my ruger mark 3. Oh well, it’s still really sweet, just an observation. That’s all for now, safe shooting friends.
SP01 Shadow
SP01 Kadet

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Re: New SP01 Kadet Owner. Sweet!! And noob questions
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2023, 10:08:47 AM »
Welcome from Georgia.

Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the sticky posts in the 'New Members' Forum and also the 'Important Information' sub-section.
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Offline t. weller

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Re: New SP01 Kadet Owner. Sweet!! And noob questions
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2023, 05:49:31 PM »
  Reporting back, hopefully this will help someone someday.  The Dawson precision p10 front site works great on the sp01 kadet. Slides right in and looks perfect.

  The sp01 kadet has a shadow dovetail, but no one recommends doing anything with a red dot because the slide cycles, and it’s aluminum. If you want a red dot on a kadet you’ll have to buy an old one.

Also, knowing what I know now, I’m not sure I would have bought the Cz customs threaded barrel.
The barrel is very nice, and looks sick, but I don’t think the sp01 kadet is the best suppressor host. At least compared to my ruger mk3, it throws a massive amount of gas and junk in your face. I’m sure I’m sounding a bit soft, but it can be unpleasant. All and all it’s still a great shooter and I love it. Fun, reliable, and accurate. Just know you’ll always be shooting irons and I won’t be shooting suppressed with it.
SP01 Shadow
SP01 Kadet