I have a Czech made P10C that I purchased new about a month ago. After loading the magazine full with Federal HST 124gr, the hollow point cavity was catching on the bottom of the feed ramp and not allowing the slide to move forward into full battery. After speaking with CZ USA on the phone, they mentioned that it's not uncommon and that the Czechs typically only shoot FMJ ammo. They told me to send it back (shipping paid both ways by CZ) and they would polish the feed ramp.
I just got it back after three weeks and took it to the range today. I fired 50 rounds of HST and 50 rounds of Hydro Shock and it ran flawlessly. I just wanted to share this with anyone who has experienced this same issue. I was surprised that they paid for shipping both ways and fixed the problem with no questions asked. What a great company to deal with.