I’ve been trying to convince my wife to carry something other than her S&W 380 Bodyguard and to our mutual surprise she enjoys shooting my Rami. She is thinking about carrying the Rami now. However, she asked for 2 things: New sights and a better mag release. So I picked up a CGW front fiber sight and already have a spare Shaddow 2 mag release I planned on putting in my P-01. I’ve measured all three mag releases (S2, P-01, and Rami) and it appears the P-01 release is longer than the Rami’s release and the S2 release is MUCH longer given the S2 release has a pad. Since all three are the “D Style” releases and look like they’re compatible, any thoughts on putting the S2 mag release on the Rami? I’m concerned the S2 release will fit but not work because the pad extends too far back onto the grip. I wondering if the P-01 mag release would be a better option? Yes, yes, I know this is an abomination for the Rami, but I really want to put her S&W BG away for good and have her carry a 9mm. Thanks.