Not trying to convince anyone to do what I do, this isn't about ego, but I will explain the specific reason behind my preference. I'm doing so BECAUSE there is a validated explanation for it.
I want the firing sequence to be the same with a rifle or pistol, day or night.
What eliminates inaccurate, unintentional discharges is training to disengage the safety and place your trigger finger only when you can see that your firearm is properly pointed at a target you intend to engage.
This sequence works for rifles or pistols, and it works day or night. You do it the same way, no matter the circumstances, and it takes less time to do so than it takes to DECIDE to fire. All while allowing your first shot to be as accurate as possible.
THIS is why I can't understand the value of using a double action trigger. The best unavoidable gunfight is one on which only one round is fired. Using a double action trigger pull is NOT what I want to rely on for that.
And, yes, I know plenty of guys change their gun to have a light DA trigger pull...and most of you guys are using a DA trigger pull that is superior to a Glock, so I get. But I need the firing sequence to be the same with a rifle or pistol, day or night.