Greetings, I have 3 CZs (85C, SP01 Shadow, S2). Each have been worked over by CGW and are all great. Except the SP01 feels like I'm driving a CVT or drive by wire car. It feels disconnected, slow. Like I pull the trigger and it feels like there is is an ever so slight delay in the hammer falling. I'm not sure if the delay is further travel due to different hammer hook cuts or something else.
S2 is my favorite feeling trigger, the Race hammer is a bit sharp and does not look good (in my opinion). The CZ85C with SP01 internals + hammer + ultra lite kit is amazing, just slightly behind the S2. SP01 Shadow is good and much better than stock, but how can I make it GREAT?
Is the problem the CGW Ring hammer? Are the hooks not the same between the Ring and Race hammer? Am I being picky?
SP01 - CGW Pro package w/ Ring hammer. installed by CGW
S2 - CGW Pro package w/ Race hammer. installed by CGW
85C - SP01 Shadow left over parts, plus ultra lite kit; worked over by CGW.