Made it out to the 100 yard range here locally in Central Texas and I shot the P-09 again, straight from the range bag, no zero change, no barrel cleaning. Another 60 rounds today, for a total of 180 combined for two range trips in Ruidoso plus today's here. I shot the first 10 rounds as sighters and saw that the group was a little too far to the left to leave it alone, so I went two clicks right for the next 50 rounds. This worked great, although everything grouped about 1/2 a click low, but I decided not to change it, since I was getting a lot of 10 ring hits anyway, and fiddling with the sight yields "unpredictable results" at times. It was a good day at 100 yards. With 56 of 60 shots on the repair center including the 10 sighters, 45 of 60 in the black, 18 of 60 in the 10 ring or 30%. I can't recall ever having that high of a percentage of 10 ring hits at 100 yards!
I'll post a video of the last 20 shots on the second target later tonight. I think I shot one sub 6" group and one sub 4" group before my eyes gave out. It was another good day with my original P-09.
I really should clean it. But it might ruin it, LOL.
Joe L