Author Topic: CZs take a match 1st & a 2nd!!  (Read 2464 times)

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CZs take a match 1st & a 2nd!!
« on: September 18, 2003, 09:38:23 PM »
Results are posted here:
Although the guns used are not listed, Helmie used a CZ- 75SA (which started life as a regular CZ-75B) to win Limited-10 (L-10) Division. The L-10 Division allows single action & double action guns & that means one can fire the 1st shot single action. Magazines may only contain 10 rounds. It is usually ruled by single stack 1911s and there is a big scoring advantage to shooting a "major" caliber like .45 or .40; Helmie won w/ many fast, precisely & accurately fired 9mm rounds! He uses factory ammo.

I selected a CZ 75B & my own 147 grn reloads to take 2nd place in Production Division where the 1st shot MUST be double action (meaning I had to lower the hammer on a loaded round before each stage) and where all calibers are scored the same so there is no advantage to .40 or .45 (the min. calliber is 9x19mm). 1st place went to BJ Norris who's name you will find on the cover of the last Glock report. He used a Glock 34 & 147 reloads.

I have to say that CZs rule! Accuracy is tops & these guns have been very reliable for me. Fast 27yard shots were a cinch and the close shots happened too fast to remember! If you plan to compete in USPSA (IPSC outside the US) you can't go wrong w/ a CZ! The CZ85 looks to be about perfect for Production Division. TY44934


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CZs take a match 1st & a 2nd!!
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2003, 03:47:03 AM »
Congratulations, well done, and thanks for the report!


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CZs take a match 1st & a 2nd!!
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2003, 12:55:43 PM »
You are welcome for the report & thanks for the compliment! With the match success using my friend's CZ-75B,  I next plan to take my own .45ACP CZ-97B into battle against the 1911! Please understand that I love my 1911s too - I just believe that we, as Americans, have a tradition and a duty to constantly strive for "the best" through competition & I am not convinced that the 1911 will always be the best. If I am wrong, then I'll lose & I'll still have my 1911s to shoot with. If I win, it may raise a few eyebrows around here.

Before I go up against the 1911s, I plan to level the field a bit w/ an adjustable SA trigger I bought from CZ-USA & maybe a bit of scateboard tape to help the grip to bite.  Anyone know if the magazine well from the Standard IPSC will fit the 97B? Until next time, ty44934


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CZs take a match 1st & a 2nd!!
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2003, 05:10:13 PM »
While a gun makes a difference, I'm increasingly of the belief that its the singer not the song.

I've seen too many superior shooters do wonders with guns that other consider pieces of crap.  

I think the only time the gun really makes a difference is when you've got the very best shooters competing against each other...

That being the case, you can probably do well with your 97B.  (That said, I see a lot more malfunctions in 1911s than any any other gun. <grin>)


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CZs take a match 1st &amp; a 2nd!!
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2003, 06:48:29 PM »
Good point; there is a thread right now on Brian Enos' forum that makes the point that at the National Championships this year, the top 6 competitors used a Springfield Armory, STI, SV, Tanfoglio (Eric Graufal) Glock and a Para Ord. This Championship is for the title of best pistol shooter in the US. Granted, 4 of the top 6 guns 6 are variations of the 1911. Also, the Para & springfiedl are nearly identical as are the STI/SV so its really only 4 different types of guns, but a CZ clone is up there with them. This sort of variety proves your point - its the shooter & not the gun. As for the Open division Nationals, my money is on the Tanfoglio - it won the last world shoot. here is the thread:

Offline skucera

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CZs take a match 1st &amp; a 2nd!!
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2003, 10:58:54 PM »
Funny that you should mention the singer... the same applies for car racing.  Ten to 15 years ago when I did a bit of autocrossing and sports car racing, the fastest driver competed in a 1970 Porsche 911, and another really fast guy in a slightly modified VW Rabbit (not even a GTI).  They routinely beat everyone including lots of expensively modified and specially built cars.  One race I traded cars with the Porsche guy and he ran my MG Midget.  Instead of my usual fifth or sixth finish, I came in close to dead last (in a field of 60 cars or so), and he still came in first.  That was humbling for a lot of us.

Actually, it was one of those life lessons that you realize in hindsight was actually a very bid deal. :)
