Author Topic: FTFs at the IPSC match  (Read 5989 times)

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FTFs at the IPSC match
« on: May 05, 2002, 09:43:01 PM »
Everything was going well until the second run. Started watching the target instead of the front sight and trying to go faster than I am able resulting in misses on the steel.

I also started getting FTFs the second time through. On the last run, I kept the mag it occurred with. Going to another bay, I was able to get it to fail about 1/3 shots. Slide was coming over the top of the round and pushing it into the top of the chamber. TRA wouldn't clear it so I had to treat it like a double feed - LRRIRA.

Ended up being a dirty mag. It had been since last summer or fall since I cleaned it. The last couple of hundred rounds spread over three mags was the Winchester whitebox.

This problem brought to mind the advice of the instructor in my last class: Keep your self defense mags separate from  your practice, match, etc., mags. I have misplace my spare mags so I was having these do double time. Fortunately, they failed in a match and not in self defense.


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FTFs at the IPSC match
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2002, 10:14:46 AM »
I have also had that problem with old mag springs.Mine are 12 years old now a good stretch now and again keeps them honest :)


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FTFs at the IPSC match
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2002, 11:16:39 AM »
Sounds like you're talking about ex-felons...

Rather than giving them a good stretch, I'd argue that the best thing to do is just replace them.  While they're not cheap, you might be betting your life on that "stretch" some day.

Offline JH

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FTFs at the IPSC match
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2002, 11:59:58 AM »
check them out at for very high quality replacement springs


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FTFs at the IPSC match
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2002, 05:50:09 PM »
I agree with Walt.  Mag springs are too important to "not" replace!


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FTFs at the IPSC match
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2002, 07:42:42 PM »
I just replaced the mag springs with Wolf springs one month ago. I saw some burnt powder residue at that time but it didn't look like much. Since the Wolf springs are stronger than the originals, I am guessing the FTFs would have occurred earlier.

How often do you all clean your mags? by time period, approximate number of rounds, how dirty the follower looks, other?


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FTFs at the IPSC match
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2002, 07:56:42 AM »
How often do you all clean your mags? by time period, approximate number of rounds, how dirty the follower looks, other?

Considering how quickly my CZ mags ingest dust, I'd say, the first time you drop one... ;)   Seriously, considering the ease of opening the mag, I'd clean them every thousand rounds or so...

BTW, they do seem to ingest dust much more quickly than my Glock mags, or maybe they're just more dust sensative, as they stop functioning (feeding), once dirty...


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FTFs at the IPSC match
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2002, 10:47:37 AM »
Wolf mag springs run R130 each a new hicap mag is R195.
Thats the major reason I have never replaced my springs.I buy a new mag now and again and make that my carry mag.


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FTFs at the IPSC match
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2002, 08:28:13 PM »
Just finished cleaning my guns from shooting today. Shot an indoor IPSC match tonight and had more FTFs from one mag again - round not going to the top of the mag. Before I get to the range again, I will number each mag so I can know for sure if it is the same mag with the problems. I cleaned the tubes with a clean t-shirt and thought that had fixed the problem. Next time I go to the range, it will be for some diagnostic work.

I ordered some AE 9mm that is on sale ($110/1000) at Miwall Corp. I have decided to stop using the Winchester whitebox because it is excessively dirty. Miwall has a special on Super X 9mm 147gr match ammo. I ordered a few loose boxes to chech that out too. Hopefully, it won't be as dirty as the USA brand.


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FTFs at the IPSC match
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2002, 10:55:47 PM »
One more thing that crossed my mind afterwords. I often hear a lot of complaining about IDPA's requirement for keeping a non empty mag. I stow all my mag changes, even the emergency ones. Tonight's match had the bad mag in the gun first but what if the bad mag would have been the second one? If I did not stow the first one, I would have been SOL. I would not have had enough left in the first mag to put two hits on each target, but I would have had enough for one on each.

You can talk about statistics and real life chances, (if statistics applied to the individual instead of a group, I wouldn't have any guns for self defense) but I still think retaining mags is the right choice for most situations. We can all come up with scenarios that would not favor mag retention. If I had to face such a situation, hopefully, I would be able to see the better tactical branch and execute that.


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FTFs at the IPSC match
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2002, 07:59:32 PM »
I happen to agree with you on retaining a partially used mag.  In a gun fight, most people would shoot to slide lock, thereby making retention unnecessary, however, should cover be attained, and the defender had the chance to top off, retention of a partial mag makes perfect sense.  Why throw away a round that could save your life.  Your analogy of the failing second mag is a perfect example...


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FTFs at the IPSC match
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2002, 03:57:13 PM »
Was able to duplicate the FTF in one mag today. I compared it to another mag and noticed that one feed lip was slightly bent in so that the round did not come up as high as the other mag. I measured across the opening of the good mag, about 9mm, the problem mag measured about 8.5 mm. I bent the one lip out and no more problems. I will keep track of it to see how it runs in the future.

I try to retain my mags on reloads but occassional drop one. I am surprised to have a bent feed lip with the few times any of my mags have hit the ground. Is this just a statistical anomoly or do you guys who drop mags get a lot of bent lips?