I received my new CZ52 from [link=http://classicarms.us newwindow]classicarms.us[/link] Tuesday and my ammo from [link=http://wideners.com newwindow]wideners.com[/link] today so I paid a visit to the range tonight. I loved the gun and it was a blast to fire, but I had some issues with it. The first is no big deal, one of the mags is bent and won't feed. The second issue is a little bigger. I ran 70 rounds of Yugo surplus through it and had about 7 or 8 light primer strikes. The primer dented, but did not fire. If I recocked it and tried again it would fire the round. I'm going to call Classic Arms in the morning and see what they say. I pulled the firing pin out and checked for cosmoline in its channel, but didnt see any. I hosed it out with Bore Scrubber, dried it with compressed air, then sprayed some CLP into it. Any other ideas?