Very Nice OTTO!
I bought a chrome one at a gun show recently really cheap. I think the lady didn't know what she had since it looked pretty crappy at the time, almost like it was just missing most of the finish. I actually passed by it a couple of times before I realized what it was. Right after I got it home, I cleaned and polished it and voila! She could have easily gotten twice what I paid for it.
The one I got actually came with some crappy wooden grips that were being held on by a wrap around hogue grip. I replaced them with factory pattern black plastic grips. The clip was missing altogether, so when I saw these grips the original poster used advertized on eBay, I figured it was a perfect fit. The problem is that I can't decide between a dark wood or a light wood. I almost went for a really light wood when the manufacturer had it at a starting price of $40, but I forgot to bid and the auction ended. Then the next time he put them up his price had gone up to $70 because he'd run out of the wood (I know because I contacted him).
I have two questions for you Otto:
1) is that one of the guns done by Classic Arms or was it a custom job?
2) do you think a lighter grain of wood would look better on this gun, or a darker one? (or something in between)