Here's a CZ-75B in Nickel...

Notice the color of the controls? The hammer, mag release, slide stop, safety etc
The grips are plastic, not rubber
The safety is not ambidexterous
Get the stainless! I purchased one a few months ago & LOVE it. The fit & finish on these high polish stainless guns are absolutely fantastic. The tactile rubber grips feel great. CZ-USA provided the pistol with some Custom Shop options. They did an action job & installed Meprolite night sights. The trigger is reminiscent of a COLT Python; very sweet. I picked up a HIGH NOON "UnderArmor" shoulder rig & use it for concealed carry. Nice holsters & quite affordable. It fits my KADET as well. Get an upLULA or HKS loader & your thumbs will thank you. POA & POI are identical with 147gr WINCHESTER Black Talons. The pistol groups like a small carbine & is extremely controllable.
John in KC, MO