You use to be able to get these for as little as $70, but usually around $130. It was an unbelievable deal back then and I still beat my head against the wall for having not taken advantage of those prices and picked up a half a dozen or so.
Now that the supply is dried up, they cost around $250-$300 whenever you're lucky enough to find one, but I still think that's a good deal. With a little tune-up and/or a few parts replacements, it'll outperform many guns that cost as much as $1000 or more. Think about it this way. They were in numerous supply at very cheap ($150 or less) from many distributors all over the country for over a decade. Now that the supply has dried up, you don't see many for sale. Only one reason for that. The many people who have them have no interest in parting with them. That says something.