Author Topic: First time shooting my CZ-82 - a few jams!?  (Read 2642 times)

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Offline WesM

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First time shooting my CZ-82 - a few jams!?
« on: August 31, 2009, 10:53:16 AM »
I took my new-to-me CZ-82 to the range yesterday and went through about 85 rounds of ammo - both Silver Bear and Monarch lacquer-coated FMJ. I probably had 4 or 5 failures to feed out of the 85 rounds (one with the Silver Bear, the rest with the Monarch).  Simply pulling the slide back all the way and letting it fly loaded the obstinate rounds. 

Is this the problem that the Wolff aftermarket springs are intended to fix?  Would a stronger recoil spring a) drive the slide home with more force, reducing the chances of a jam, or 2) resist cycling more, increasing the chances of a jam?

Is there anything else I need to consider doing?  I brought it home and re-cleaned it again to the best of my ability and lubed the slide with CLP.

Thanks for any help.  This is a new problem to me, b/c my other semi-auto has never had a problem cycling ammo.

Offline Doubs43

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Re: First time shooting my CZ-82 - a few jams!?
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2009, 08:30:17 PM »
Wes, is it possible that you didn't give the pistol enough resistance to recoil for the rounds that jammed? If you cushion the recoil like you would catching a hard thrown baseball, the slide won't move all the way to the rear with a resulting jam. Some call it "limp wristing" and it will cause problems with an auto pistol.

Other possible problems include a bad mag, insufficient lubrication of the slide rails and a build-up of lacquer in the chamber from the cases.

It's unusual for a CZ-82 to jam and once you correct the problem, you should be good to go. They're great pistols.

Offline WesM

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Re: First time shooting my CZ-82 - a few jams!?
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2009, 04:54:19 PM »
I'd like to think I wasn't limp-wristing it... I have some experience shooting other semi-autos and haven't had problems with them, so I think it is probably something else. 

For one thing, I know the magazine springs seemed extremely stiff - to the point that when they seemed to be binding the bullet into the feed lips.  I have since reloaded all of the mags to full capacity and am letting them sit compressed for a few weeks, hoping that will loosen them up a little.

I have since re-cleaned the gun and re-lubricated the slide with some CLP, hoping that helps.  It just seems that the mags are holding the bullets so tightly against the feed lips that the slide isn't always able to strip them off the top?

I will take it out and shoot it again before ordering a replacement recoil spring, but if it continues to jam, do you think a stronger replacement recoil spring would help or hurt (for reasons mentioned in the first post)?

Offline soupnutz

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Re: First time shooting my CZ-82 - a few jams!?
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2009, 08:16:56 PM »
My magazine springs are really stiff, hard to get the 12th round in both, but never a problem firing. I've had it for about 4 months now. Don't believe I've ever had a ftf, only problem I've had was when the trigger guard cracked, didnt even notice at first, the slide locked back a couple of time but I hit therelease and it chambered and fired fine. finally inspected it, saw the guard was broke, and the slide release spring had popped out. Never didn't fire though. I've since replaced it with a cz-83 guard and the wolff 16lb spring.

Offline NVCZ

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Re: First time shooting my CZ-82 - a few jams!?
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2009, 02:27:33 AM »
I am thinking ammo. Could be laquer buildup as mentioned above.

Try one specific brand/type of ammo and see how it performs 2-4 mags worth.
Then clean gun good and run same number of rounds through with different brand/type ammo and compare.

Main thing is to clean pistol between changing ammo type.

Worth a try...

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