Hmmm; not dogging th upula. It's probably really cool. I've just NEVER had any problems loading a CZ-82 magazine. I have 3 magazines for my CZ-82. 2 are originals and 1 is an after market. The hardest thing I've ever had is trying to hold 12 rounds in my hand as I was loading. But assuming I am just taking the rounds out of a box, I have never had an issue loading the magazine. Never hurt my thumb or fingers. And never had difficulty getting the rounds in the magazine. #1 through #12 all go in just as smooth as the one before it. I doubt being a lefty makes a difference. maybe the fact that I've been loading magazines in 45acp, 32acp, 9mm mak, 223, 7.62x39, m1 garand, and a host of other magazines for so long, it just comes natural. I've just never had any problems loading a cz-82 magazine.