See about a word of caution on the Triple-K mags below, but first some history on the current issue with CZ52 mags:
As of around January 2009, the mags did become quite a bit more scarce, and this was due in large part to two things: 1st - Obama being elected and the whole gun, ammo, and magazine craze which ensued, (I don't really need to go into detail on that one), and 2nd - the existing supply of surplus mags which had been kicking around for years (from F.A.C.'s supply of spares) was near its end anyway, it was just sped up by the hoarding & post-election fears. Of course there is no current importer for these sorts of parts beyond just importing the pistols themselves with one or 2 mags. So where there had previously been many dealers, online sellers, and gun-show types who might have always had some of these spare mags, there are now virtually none, and this also links to the whole sell-out of all the Federal Arms corp left-over supply of CZ52 spare parts, barrels, and mags. F.A.C. was the primary supplier to all of these online sellers and dealers anyway back when F.A.C. used to sell parts in groups of 20 or 25 for low prices, including magazines. Of course some dealers and sellers were just buying from other dealers or distributors who bought from F.A.C. also.... After the sellout of F.A.C. to C.A.I. in the mid 2000's, there was the website for a while as run by C.A.I., but they sold out of most of the good stuff quickly in 2006. In 2007 the website was changed and became the current version which is and they now only offer some internal parts and no magazines. The only good source at the moment for factory original mags is at Mark Kubes site:
surplusfireams but even then he wants $34.00+ for them which sounds high, but... that's what the market is allowing for right now, and even his stock has gone down in the past few days from 43 to 40 on that mag at that price. Strange that his mirror-site shows a quantity of zero for that same mag..? oh well. Of course there are the 2 online gun auction websites which we all know which might have CZ52 mags at any given time, but prices there are around $26 - $30 per when found.
I would caution you on the Triple-K magazines however as they have some consistency issues, mostly with fit and being able to remove the mag after use. I have tried both factory originals, and the Triple-K type, and they both work great, with the factory originals edging out the Triple-K's just slightly on feeding function. The real problem with the Triple-K's is that they are a tiny bit too wide, and the fit is too tight. I actually filed the sides of mine down to make the correct fit, and then just Duracoated the mags with the newer self-lubricating Duracoat in a Parker gray color which looks more like the factory mags. It now works fine in the gun.
Whatever magazines you end up getting, I would highly recommend cleaning, degreasing, and swapping out the original springs for the Wolf Brand springs which you can buy in a 3-pack for cheap from the Wolf springs website. They are +5% power and are brand new for better reliability with CZ52 feeding. Also, if you are able to ask the seller of the magazines before-hand, ask about the condition of the floorplate. Some are really bent from all the years of being used to pop the barrel out during cleaning and disassembly, while some floorplates are perfectly flat. The other quirky thing about CZ52 mags is that you can trim the back leg of the follower to allow for 9rd capcity instead of 8,
(as seen here) but I don't recommend this mod unless you have mags to spare, which it sounds like you don't. Good luck with your mag search!