I have more than half a century of handgun shooting behind me. I currently have only one CZ, an 82 that I dearly love, but I have experience with others models and various clones. What I am looking for is a very accurate 9mm, as close in accuracy as possible to a Colt Gold Cup, and costing less than $650-700. This pistol must have adjustable sights - I don't want it to be shooting a couple of inches off at 50 yards and have no easy way to get it exactly right on. Obviously, a really, really good trigger is required to make this happen.
Of all pistols available today, including those costing a lot more than I prefer to spend, the CZ-85 Combat seems to be the one that most closely meets my requirements.
My thinking is that the CZ-85 Combat will work well right out of the box, and leave me with some cash for a .22 conversion unit later, some custom work if needed, or both.
Have I got it figured out right, or do you have some thoughts or suggestions for me?