Author Topic: Parts interchangeability of Classic Cz75 and current Cz75B  (Read 2142 times)

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Parts interchangeability of Classic Cz75 and current Cz75B
« on: January 30, 2007, 05:44:30 AM »
Can you interchange parts on the classic Cz75 and the newer Cz75b?  I was thinking of buying some parts for these babies.


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Parts interchangeability of Classic Cz75 and current Cz75B
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2007, 05:01:44 PM »
It depends...  Some parts are directly interchangeable.  Other parts, like hammers, firing pins, safeties, sears, may or may not interchange, depending on when the gun was made or the specific features of the gun.  (Serial numbers don't indicate anything.)  

They changed the width of the hammer and the design over time.  They changed the design of the safety.   Mags that work in the 75B may not work in the 75, as the inside of the grip is tighter on the older CZs.

Barrels will interchange on the same size/same caliber gun.  Sights probably won't. (The oldest CZs had a staked front sight; newer ones use a lengthwise dovetail.)  The rear dovetails are different.   Most springs are the same.  Triggers will interchange.

Getting extra parts just to have them isn't a bad idea, but you've got to be very careful.


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Parts interchangeability of Classic Cz75 and current Cz75B
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2007, 05:25:28 AM »
Thanks Walt.  One thing that needed to go is he hammer.  I like the newer rounded hammer compared to the old ones.  The same thing goes with the magazines.  I'd really like to use the newer mec-gar mags on them.


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Parts interchangeability of Classic Cz75 and current Cz75B
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2007, 08:11:41 AM »
You may want to check with CZ-USA about interchangeability of your model.  You may have to do some measurements.  Some of the older pre-Bs are definitely NOT able to use the new hammer without work (shims, etc.)

Many do BOB the old-style hammer, which is a good alternative if you're suffering from "hammer bite."


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Parts interchangeability of Classic Cz75 and current Cz75B
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2007, 11:52:26 AM »
If you want the new style hammer I will trade you one for your old style spur hammer.  I prefer the old ones for aesthetic reasons myself.  Just let me know.


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Parts interchangeability of Classic Cz75 and current Cz75B
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2007, 04:37:54 PM »
Don't trade until you know the measurements are compatible.  Some of the old-style spur hammers will NOT fit in a new 75B: they are way too wide.

Offline Boogalou

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Parts interchangeability of Classic Cz75 and current Cz75B
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2007, 08:00:43 PM »
(Serial numbers don't indicate anything.)

That may not be true with the earlier CZ's Walt.  The ones made in the 1980's without letter prefix/suffix have a 6 digit s/n that appears to be sequential with the year made.  These earlier models also have slight frame & sight differences with the ones that were imported by Action Arms in the early 1990's. My 1991 has the same type of rear sight as current production CZ75's, and although the front sight is staked, it is not the same as my 1984 model.  I have a hunch that the serial number nomenclature was altered when these changes were made, possibly starting in the late 80's or 1990.


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Parts interchangeability of Classic Cz75 and current Cz75B
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2007, 02:52:32 PM »
This is true, but I would be willing to do the machine work to make it fit.