Sounds like the extractor isn't gripping the rim enough to ensure complete extraction.
Take a good look at the extractor itself. Make sure the "tooth" on it isn't chipped or worn. Sometimes people will insert a round in the chamber and drop the slide shut rather than "feed" the round from the mag. This can damage the extractor itself. The -83 extractor should be the same as an -82 also.
Have you removed the extractor? You may have gunk built up behind it, interfering with the operation. It's easily done. Drive the pin out from underneath the slide. Wrap tape around the slide first or something to keep the spring from "disappearing." A round cut-off toothpick works great to align the parts when re-inserting the pin. When complete, the pin should be slightly recessed on the bottom of the slide. If it protrudes any, it will interfer with the slide movement.
You say the "second or third" rounds do this, what about the others?