Author Topic: Cz.52 Pistol - Build your own?  (Read 10932 times)

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Offline gandog56

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Re: Cz.52 Pistol - Build your own?
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2010, 04:54:37 PM »
Thanks for the quick response.  I am thinking long as the price is around $200 - $250 I would be happy with it.  I just cant justify spending $400+ like on gunbroker that those people are wanting.  I could go to academy and buy a .38 special revolver for $240 or a .357 Magnum for $270 revolver brand new.  I understand these are old guns but every source I see says made from 1952 - 1982.  30 years worth of the model shouldnt make them that valuable in my book but I will have to look.  I found a few places that have the CZ.52 listed for around $200 - $250 but its listed as out of stock.

Are we talking a CZ52 here? I got mine from SOG for $119 + shipping. Thank goodness I got that C&R license.

Of course, that was before you know who got elected.

Offline Pescador

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Re: Cz.52 Pistol - Build your own?
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2010, 07:25:31 PM »
Nice pistols josey88

Offline josey88

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Re: Cz.52 Pistol - Build your own?
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2010, 08:20:11 PM »
Hey josey88 

     Would you be so kind as to tell me/us who did all the work on your 2 52's? And
where they are located?

     I shoot or have shot a bunch over they years, but the only weapons (pistols/wheel guns) I own have about 6 moving parts (IE: Ruger speed six, security six and my CZ 75 Pre-B's) Those I am very comfortable taking apart adjusting in minor ways but I sure as heck know my limitaions. Frankly I find that building Servers and Computers in general totally less intimadating than opening up anything like a S&W, Colt, my Tok, Cz 52 and 82. I sure as heck know never even consider taking one completly apart, modifing it and then after putting it back together and trusting my life to what I personaly did. Hell I did a brake job on my vega (Yes I am that old) and I even took apart the carberature and cleaned and re-built it. Both times for a least a month afterwards, every time I got behind the wheel I was scared to death that what I did was wrong and would fail. Seriously, I don't mind taking some chances, taking others on faith, nor risking my life, as I have done all three more than once. But in those areas the chances that I die outright are pretty decent.  Doing something truelly stupid and guareented to get me killed or worse disable someway, like having a gun explode in my hand, face, arms, body etc, and simply maiming me is out of the question. I do not do pain well at all. I allready have enough injuries I do not want a self inflicted one if there is anyway to avoid it.

    Which brings me back to my question? I just got 2 52' and 82's I want to get them completly parkerized, new barrels and for the 82's is it? the firing pin, rollers, trigger etc done at one time if possible. Also I am seriosly thinking about having any or all of them engraved and fancy grips added. Yes I am 60 and growing old is mandatory but growing up is completly optional as far as I am cercerned.  O0

Shadow warrior , I did all the work myself. I ordered  all the parts, barrels, springs, etc etc and installed them . I must say that they came out great and shoot great also.  I like those two old cold war warriors very much , because of the powerful cartridge that they use and these guns are very accurate.  It marvels me how much the technology has changed in 50 years(I carry an HK45C) and , the best I can describe it is that I get a kick every time I shoot those old guns at the range and people flock to me asking :what the hell  is that thing you are shooting so loud ? I love it.  Anyway, it is not very dificult ; you are just replacing parts , even thou adjustments are needed , but I do all my guns myself and I do pamper all of them . I am now thankfully retired and have all the time in the world to play with my toys, so I do.  Thanks for the interest.

Offline Surculus

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Re: Cz.52 Pistol - Build your own?
« Reply #18 on: November 03, 2010, 08:53:29 PM »
rusty, I can see the logic of your reasoning, however, on the case of the CZ-52s there are some variables ... for example, even if you buy a brand new, unfired  pistol, you would have to replace the rollers (that is mandatory)

You only need to replace the rollers if you bought a CZ-52 with a 9mm or aftermarket (eg, new) .30Tok barrel: these were made in Korea & have the defective rollers. The barrels are fine, it's just the rollers that come with them that are problematic. The factory original rollers are hardened properly and are what you would replace them with...

Offline lklawson

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Re: Cz.52 Pistol - Build your own?
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2010, 10:27:22 AM »
Sorry to get back to you so late.  IMS, it's gone now.

It was listed in the Trading Zone.

Peace favor your sword,
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