Hey josey88
Would you be so kind as to tell me/us who did all the work on your 2 52's? And
where they are located?
I shoot or have shot a bunch over they years, but the only weapons (pistols/wheel guns) I own have about 6 moving parts (IE: Ruger speed six, security six and my CZ 75 Pre-B's) Those I am very comfortable taking apart adjusting in minor ways but I sure as heck know my limitaions. Frankly I find that building Servers and Computers in general totally less intimadating than opening up anything like a S&W, Colt, my Tok, Cz 52 and 82. I sure as heck know never even consider taking one completly apart, modifing it and then after putting it back together and trusting my life to what I personaly did. Hell I did a brake job on my vega (Yes I am that old) and I even took apart the carberature and cleaned and re-built it. Both times for a least a month afterwards, every time I got behind the wheel I was scared to death that what I did was wrong and would fail. Seriously, I don't mind taking some chances, taking others on faith, nor risking my life, as I have done all three more than once. But in those areas the chances that I die outright are pretty decent. Doing something truelly stupid and guareented to get me killed or worse disable someway, like having a gun explode in my hand, face, arms, body etc, and simply maiming me is out of the question. I do not do pain well at all. I allready have enough injuries I do not want a self inflicted one if there is anyway to avoid it.
Which brings me back to my question? I just got 2 52' and 82's I want to get them completly parkerized, new barrels and for the 82's is it? the firing pin, rollers, trigger etc done at one time if possible. Also I am seriosly thinking about having any or all of them engraved and fancy grips added. Yes I am 60 and growing old is mandatory but growing up is completly optional as far as I am cercerned. 
Shadow warrior , I did all the work myself. I ordered all the parts, barrels, springs, etc etc and installed them . I must say that they came out great and shoot great also. I like those two old cold war warriors very much , because of the powerful cartridge that they use and these guns are very accurate. It marvels me how much the technology has changed in 50 years(I carry an HK45C) and , the best I can describe it is that I get a kick every time I shoot those old guns at the range and people flock to me asking :what the hell is that thing you are shooting so loud ? I love it. Anyway, it is not very dificult ; you are just replacing parts , even thou adjustments are needed , but I do all my guns myself and I do pamper all of them . I am now thankfully retired and have all the time in the world to play with my toys, so I do. Thanks for the interest.