I would like to share with you the experiences from my last trip to Czech rep. Unfortunately, there was a Holiday on Tuesday with a four days weekend, everything was closed.
I only spent one day in the factory and other 4 days (holidays) with my wife's family. After that I continued to another city, another family. I did not have a chance to visit the CZ store.
That first day, while we were shooting, testing new P-08 DUTY, I had chance to witness an interesting test. They brought in a new rifle, full-auto BREN 805 and made movies using a high speed camera. The side of the rifle was cut out and all the 'guts' inside were painted white. They fired only one shot. Downloaded it to the computer and could see how each part is moving in slow motion.
I had a chance to watch how they design pistols using the 3D-CAD-CAM.
Last Year I asked CZ UB if they read our forum. They did not, mostly because they did not understand English. Now, they are reading it with help of a computer translator, but only RAMI and P-07 Clubs. The translator works from English not Americanish and sometimes Czech translation is messed up.
Their company policy does not allow them to answer any questions. We need to get in touch with CZ-USA.
The CZ guns are selling like hot cakes. They don't make only our little babies but CZ is supplying guns to lot of police forces and armies around the world. I asked why they don't open second shift to cover all the demand (smart advice!). They already run three shifts 5 days a week!!! Weekend is for cleaning, changes and maintenance.
I brought with me CZ catalogs 2010/2011, CZ Yearbooks 2010 and P-07 DUTY posters. I would like to give it away. My wife will participate in Ladies League (meet at Trap Range) in Cherokee GC north of Atlanta this Sunday 10/17 from 1pm.
I have 'CZ' on my gold van rear window, so if you are interested look for the van.