If economy is your concern, you should seriously consider saving up for 1) the Kadet adapter kit for the CZ [.22 slide unit] and the 2) Marvel .22 adapter for most 1911s.
My Kadet Adapter (on my 85 Combat) was so accurate that I traded my Ruger Target Competiton (slab side) for another gun. I just wasn't shooting it.
The adapter kits give you the same basic weight, feel, and trigger pull. This is especially useful when practicing presentations (draw, get on target, fire) from the holster, one shot at a time.
The Marvel kit is about $100 more ($300) than most 1911 adapater kits, but offers match-grade accuracy. Most of the rest of them are made by Ciener, but private labeled for Wilson, Kimber, etc.
Side note: while the trigger on the 85 Combat is pretty darned good, it won't be up to "tuned" 1911 quality without some tuning of its own. If your 1911s are factory, untouched, you'll probably be pretty happy with it, by comparison.
Mine has been tuned by a local gunsmith, and has just the smallest hint of "Creep" in SA mode -- you've got to really pay attention to notice it. It's DA trigger is the best I've ever felt in a DA/SA gun.
The Combat trigger can be smoothed up by just about any competent gunsmith reasonably cheaply. Mike, the gunsmith at CZ, however, apparently does one of the best trigger-jobs going, and if you're pushing for the "best" you'll want to consider him. (About $90, I think...)